#WW :: My Sour Cream Facial Results

I absolutely love June Ambrose’s Style & Skin! I follow her on Instagram and she is Living Life! Her skin is FLAWLESS. She takes pictures with and without make-up often and you can tell she takes care of herself from the inside out.
One night while scrolling through images, I saw this one pop up! The caption read: Fridge Fine..Sour Cream Mask! Spread 1 to 2 teaspoons across a clean face & neck,avoiding the lips & eyes. Remove with a wet washcloth after 7-10 mins then splash! The (alpha-hydroxy acid) helps speed cell turnover, brightening dull complexions!
So, I tried it.
Initially, I felt silly. It was cold but went on smooth. I kept it on for about 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, you can tell it gets tight on your skin and seems to disappear. Afterward, I wash my face off with warm water. What I can’t get off with water, I use a soft towel.
I can immediately see a difference in my skin after I do a sour cream facial. My face seems tighter, brighter and just a tad bit youthful. My husband even noticed a slight difference. He was there when I washed it off. I have started doing these once a week or on a day I have a cool event to attend.
Benefits of a Sour Cream Facial:
- Active Ingredient is Lactic Acid – which naturally removes the dead skin to promote new skin cell generation, even out skin tone and reduce the appearance of fine lines.
- Helps skin retain moisture.
- It’s a natural exfoliator and boost the production of collagen (which forms connective tissue that supports the skin.)
Additional ingredients: You can add a half of banana & a teaspoon of honey for additional benefits, but right now I stick with plain sour cream.
Sneak Peak: The Egg White Mask! Stay tune for the next natural facial post!
Do you do home facials or go to a spa? What are you favorite facials to give yourself? Please share!!