Monday, February 10, 2025


“Dad? Do you have any other children?”

Pause. Silence.

“Yes. A daughter.”

What did he just say, as I am driving down Peachtree Rd. in Atlanta holding the phone to my ear? Did he just say he had another daughter!?

“Dad! I’ve always wanted a sister and you tell me this 30+ years into my life that I have a sister!”

I was pissed! Why didn’t he ever say a word?

I was excited! Where is she? I’m going to find my sister!

I was scared! What if I can’t find her? What if she doesn’t want to meet us? What if she isn’t alive?

So immediately the tears flowed down my eyes . . .

The questions started flowing; what this, where, why? 

Guess what? He didn’t want to talk about it! 

This was now around 3 years ago. Since then, I’ve did what I personally could to find her but with limited information – I haven’t gotten far. My father has given me all the information that he remembers. 

My prayer is that I can find her soon. My father’s health isn’t 100% and I would love for him to lay his eyes on her at least once before anything happens. It took me 5 years to find my brothers father, and he died (my brother was murdered) one year later. I am so glad, I didn’t give up on that search. I will not give up on this one either. 

Here’s What I Have: 

He told me he was about 19/20 when “SHE” was born which means, she was born 1970/1971 ish

She was born at Cook County Hospital.
Her mother was around 15 years old and was a freshman at Crane High School 

They (the mother) lived on the Westside of Chicago when she (my sister) was born. 

My father does not know her Birthday
My father did not sign the Birth Certificate 

My father does not remember the mother’s name ( sad I know)

He remembers the daughter’s being something like Mystique, Misty, Missy ??

This is all I have to go on. This is All. I. Have.

I’ve even tried to call Troy the Locator, the private investigator TV program. My information was sold/given away and I received another call from someone else instead. They said they wanted to help & I thought my prayers were being answered until she wanted my credit card and $1600 confirmation to get started. 

So, if you have detective skills and/or know someone who might fit this description . . . let me know. 

I did post this on my personal FB page, and received a lot of great ideas on my search in addition to people offering help. It’s like trying to find a needle in a haystack, however, I will not give up. 

I want to find my sister. Do you know her?

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