Friday, March 7, 2025

A Car 4 Carlotta & a 2 Hour One Way Commute, HELP!

I will be the first person to admit that sometimes going for your dream is scary. It’s scary because your dream is usually bigger than you could ask or think. It’s so “out there” that making it a reality is sometimes daunting. 

However, the same energy it takes to give up because it seems out of our reach can be reversed. We can use that energy to never give up and make our dream so real, that we blow our own mind. 

My dream is The Knighten Project. I desire to travel the world making dreams come true for everyday moms, like myself and many of you.

Why moms?

I’ve met so many moms over the years that have put their dreams on the backburner (sometimes until their children are grown) or decide to forgo dreaming altogether for their family’s needs.

Moms put themselves last so many times and they deserve to know that their children need to see them not only following their dream but seeing a few of your dreams come true. 

My Car 4 Carlotta Campaign

Carlotta is a married mom of 2 children. She lives in Boston and has commuted 2 hours (in one direction, sometimes 3 hours) for over 5 years. I asked her when was the last time she had a car, her response was, “8 years.”

8 years!

She expressed that of course she wanted a car, but financially things didn’t add up for her to purchase one. Have you gone 8 years without a car?

Her situation really tugged at my heartstrings, because I know all of the things I have done in my car over the last 8 years. 

  • Taken my children to doctors visits.
  • Back and forth to work.
  • Many family vacations 
  • All forms of shopping
  • Just anywhere I want to go, quickly!

Sometimes we take the simplest things for granted and when I think of Carlotta having to do everyday things we take for granted without a car, it really did sting. 

Through my non-profit, for passion organization, The Knighten Project – my goal is to raise $5,000 to purchase Carlotta a car. Can you help me, please?

How can you help the Car for Carlotta fundraiser?

  • Donate funds at
  • Donate a car (if you have one to give).
  • Contact me (if you have a great car to sell).
  • Share this story. You never know who will see it and help.

Our goal is $5,000 and everything raised will go towards a Car for Carlotta. Anything we have left after buying her car, we will give her to her in the form of Gas Cards and money for car maintenance.

Once we raise the money, we plan to deliver Carlotta her new car and put the keys in her hand. I’m too excited about that moment!! 

Thanks for all you can do in advance!

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