Wednesday, October 16, 2024


“This post was sponsored by Neutrogena as part of an Influencer Activation for Influence Central. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions (FTC) guidelines concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. I received complimentary products to facilitate my review.”

Raise your hand if you take your facial wash product very serious? *both hands raised*

Actually, anything I apply to my face I take seriously. I like products that do what they say they are going to do, without all the harsh ingredients but I also understand that consistency is key.

I have a facial care routine, but in the last 2 weeks I substituted my normal facial soap & moisturizer with Neutrogena Naturals. I challenged myself to use nothing but these products on my face for two weeks.

One reason why I gladly accepted the challenge is because I love Neutrogena Products. They’ve always set a standard with their products when it comes to quality & price. I always feel like I am getting more than what I paid for when I use their products.

Over the years, I have enjoyed using more and more products with less and less ingredients! When I saw Neutrogena had a Naturals skin care line, I literally said, “Sign me up!”

My Neutrogena Natural Routine Challenge:

1. Wash your face twice a day. Personally, I wash my face in the morning & evening.  I love that fresh face look after a good morning cleanse. In the evening, you are able to wash away the days dirt, make up (if you wear it) & go to bed with a clean slate.

With the Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Facial Cleanser, it comes out of the tube crystal clear. It doesn’t suds up when you apply it on your face. It goes on smooth and I add water to stretch it out. It doesn’t feel heavy on my face and although it doesn’t suds, my face feels very clean when I rinse it off.  (Plus bubbles don’t mean clean anyway)

My face doesn’t feel dry afterwards either.

2. Moisturize immediately after you cleanse. Applying a moisturizer after cleansing seals in moisture and helps maintain a healthy skin barrier. A good moisturizer will create a protective barrier that prevents water from evaporating and drying out your face.

A little goes a long way with the Neutrogena Naturals Multi-Vitamin Nourishing Moisturizer. It comes in a medium size tube, but a dime size is all you need. The coverage goes on smooth, and the smell is omg good. It’s a soft sweet smell, that gets me excited to apply it & for my husband to smell my face. I apply it to my face, neck and upper chest.

3. Make-up Removal: I mostly wear make up to church or for certain events. I also normally wash it off with my normal cleanser. I was excited to actually try a make-up removal wipe to test the product.

I tried the Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes before I washed my face and it was filled with foundation & mascara. I was pleasantly surprised. The wipe was soft but sturdy. It was able to stretch and could easily handle me turning it 50 millions ways to use all the clean areas to catch all of my makeup.

**Cool point to add** I actually went to get a facial yesterday and the Esthetician said, “Whatever you are doing to your skin, don’t stop. It’s beautiful.”

How Serious is Neutrogena & Being Green?

Have you ever heard of a company having a “green website”? Me either! The Neutrogena Naturals website is brought to you by a Green Server, a self-sustainable, sun-fueled and wind-powered server that only uses renewable energy to keep their website running “off the grid.”

The Neutrogena Naturals folding cartons are made from 100% recycled paper with a minimum of 60% post-consumer recycled content. The recycled paperboard folding cartons use 70% less water in processing than virgin paperboard does.

Natural & Honest!

Many companies boast that they are all natural when their ingredients surely show otherwise. I love that Neutrogena shares with it’s customers it’s 94% natural. They leverage natural plant-derived ingredients to provide true skin benefits and a wonderful aesthetic experience. The products contain bionutrients, extracted from natural ingredients, to holistically enhance the proper function of healthy skin.

Kristen Bell, Neutrogena Ambassador told, “I really like the Neutrogena Naturals line because there’s a minimal amount of ingredients. It’s really pure and natural. I live by the Purifying Facial Cleanser— I use it every single night. I use it either with my fingertips or a little wooden natural bristle brush, and then I use the Multivitamin Nourishing Moisturizer. And that’s pretty much it.”

I really have enjoyed this product and will now add this to my regular routine and one of my must have products. The prices are affordable too, so I don’t feel like I am breaking the bank at Target where these products can be purchased.

Neutrogena Naturals Multi-Vitamin Nourishing Moisturizer $12.99/3.0oz
Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Facial Cleanser $7.99
Neutrogena Naturals Purifying Makeup Remover Cleansing Towelettes $7.49 (25 count), $3.24 (7 count)

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