Saturday, September 7, 2024


This month we are discussing all things Summer & stay tuned because this season I will be sharing more health related post: Exercises, eating healthy, recipes, and more. 

I love the saying, “You get your summer body, in the winter!” But what about keeping your summer body tight! During the summer, we are making sure our children are entertained with activities, vacations, bbq’s, and just family fun.We just can’t forget to take care of ourselves and maintain our summer body that we worked so hard for over the winter and spring months. There are so many types of exercises that can give great results, but the experts keep coming back to the basics.If you are pressed for time, these core exercises will give you results and can cause you to break a sweat!Check out my video of the TOP 5 SUMMER EXERCISES for MOMS:

Here are the top 5 exercises broken down and what they do for your body:


Improve your circulation, good for digestion, build muscles throughout your body, improve posture, burn fat, tone your whole leg and can’t forget about that bootay!

Check out my collaboration with 4 other Fabulous Atlanta Bloggers as we all speak about Summer from a different perspective:

Kita: 5 Ways to Stay Cool This Summer
LaShawn: Top 5 Quick Summer Getaways from Atlanta
MJ: Top 5 Summer Eats and Treats in Atlanta
Mimi: Top 5 Summer Drinks

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