Guest post by Katherine S.
Did you know there was a National Girlfriends Day? I didn’t either, but it’s definitely an occasion to celebrate! Although the date has passed, it’s never to late to talk about a good girlfriend relationship goes a long way.
Girlfriends Are Good Friends Too
I didn’t have a lot of female friends growing up. I was always considered a “tomboy” and was much more comfortable around the guys than I was the girls. It’s not easy for me to let people completely into my life, but if I trust you enough to do that, it’s a beautiful and cherished relationship. The women who I call my girlfriends are ones I trust and can confide in with just about anything. Our fondest moments are laughing over the silliest things and being there for each other through the serious moments.
Birds of a Friend Feather
You have to choose your girlfriends wisely, especially if you’re a married woman. Marriage brings about an entirely new set of life experiences and problems.
When we went through our pre-engagement process, I built relationships with the wives that I never thought I would need. My wife-girlfriends are a great sounding board to help remind me to seek God first because, hey, even the most sincere Christians sometimes want to take the path of least love.
5 Characteristics of Awesome Christian Girlfriends
As a Christian woman, married or seeking to be, you have to be very considerate about the types of girlfriends you let into your life. Here are some of the traits that she should embody:
- She is willing to walk alongside you, through thick and thin. A true friend will stand by you and be your strength when you may not have your own. She will not lead you astray in your walk with Christ. Just like your spouse, her goal is to get to Heaven and she wants you to get there too.
- She has an agape honesty. There is something so valuable about having a friend who will tell you the truth. It’s even more precious when she can do it in love and without selfish judgment. This characteristic can be hard to find in another person, but we should be ready to correct in love at all times. She lives her life with a true embodiment of humility, allowing her to serve others over self.
- She is a mentor. Les Brown is quoted as saying “If you’re the smartest person in the group, then you need a new group.” Not that you should swap out your friends, but in order to grow as a Christian woman, you need to be planted in fertile soil. A great girlfriend will support your spiritual and emotional growth.
- She loves life. Our Father put us here for a purpose, but He never intended for us to be melancholy about it. It’s ok to laugh and live life! We have joy in Him and we should be proud of the opportunity to live in that joy here on earth. There is nothing quite like the laughter between friends! A great girlfriend loves life and knows the true meaning of joy and contentment.
- She values and respects your relationship. In married circles, there is always the decision to be made whether or not married women can have single friends. Marital status does not necessarily correlate with the strength of a friendship. What matters the most is whether she respects you and your relationship and proceeds accordingly.
Celebrate your girlfriends! Be thankful for the women in your life who are there to help you grow. Enjoy the relationships that you have been blessed with on this journey.

Who is your {best} girlfriend? What are the qualities you value most in her? Let me know in the comments below!
Katherine is the content creator and married lady behind Yoked. She’s married to her BFF, has a passion for healthy, loving Christ-centered marriages and relationships, and loves to live life wide open. She and her husband travel and laugh as often as possible! She has been featured on The Huffington Post and is a contributing member of the Christian Marriage Bloggers Association.