May is National Foster Care Month. Started in 1988, The U.S. government has issued annual proclamations in recognition of National Foster Care Month, celebrated in May, to show appreciation and gratitude to foster parents across the nation. Although we are grateful for foster care parents, we also honor foster youth and support them as they age out of the system.
In honor of National Foster Care Month, Saturday, May 14th at 6pm we are hosting our First Virtual Wine Tasting Fundraiser and you’re invited! The tasting flights are $59. It includes a $15 credit towards 4 or more full size bottles from One Hope Wine.
10% of all sales go to our nonprofit The Knighten Project to aid in the purchase of new suitcases for teens aging out of foster care.
How will it work?
- Click
- Order your Tasting Flights.
- Purchase your wine flights by April 30th to avoid shipping delays.
- Share the link with friends so they can join the wine tasting fundraiser and support The Knighten Project.
- Join the event via zoom on 5.14.22 at 6pm Zoom link: Meeting ID: 867 9634 8377 Passcode: 023387
** FYI ** If you want to purchase additional wines, or don’t want to attend the virtual wine tasting, but still want to support via this fundraiser, you can still order any wine off of this site and will still receive 10% of the sale. ** Link for all other orders:
Who is One Hope Wine?
A Winery That is Built on Hope and Rooted in Purpose. Like most stories worth telling, theirs begins with a group of friends, humble beginnings, and a skyward vision. They were working for some of the world’s largest wineries and they all felt an undeniable calling to do good. What started with 168 cases and a white pick-up has grown to become a state-of-the-art flagship winery in the heart of Napa Valley.
Their founders saw firsthand just how much impact a bottle of wine can have. They began hosting wine tastings to raise money for important causes and encouraged and inspired others to do the same. Today, ONEHOPE is one of the largest direct-to-consumer wineries in the world and has proudly donated over $8 million to local and global causes.

Our Goal is to provide teens aging out of foster care with brand new suitcases filled with everyday essentials as they transition into adulthood.
FYI – 5 Facts about Teens Aging out of Foster Care
- 400,000 children There are over 400,000 children in foster care in the United States on any given day.
- Less than 3% earn a college degree by age 26.
- Only 50% find employment by age 24. Half of all foster youth who age out of the system are able to find a job that can support them. Those who do find employment tend not to earn much money.
- 60% of young women who age out end up in the sex industry. With low prospects of employment and few career skills, many turn to the sex industry to support themselves. Sex work is a familiar avenue for many of these young women; 60% of all sex trafficking victims have a history in the child welfare system.
- 25% of youth who age out are dealing with PTSD. Compared to 4% of the general population, 25% of foster youth who age out of the system are dealing with unaddressed PTSD. The vast majority of foster youth enter the system because of abuse or neglect, but even for those who have not been exposed to trauma, the foster care system can be an extremely traumatizing place. Uncertainty, a lack of healthy and stable relationships with adults, and the risk of abuse within foster care leaves many children with untreated PTSD after leaving the system.
if you offer any resources that will help these teens who are aging out, please let us know. We’d love to add your business to our resource list that goes in each one of our suitcases.