I was scrolling on Facebook and saw a friend post a video of a young lady using Lipstick as Concealer, and it sparked my interest. The lady was of Indian decent and our skin tones were so similar, so I decided to try her technique and see if it could work for me.

I initially tried it on one side of my face and the next morning, I went full face for church! I decided to make a video at the same time I tried this technique.
Here are the simple steps to apply Lipstick as Concealer:
- If you are similar to my complexion, use an orangish/reddish tint. If you are a different complexion, you will have to play with different colors.
- Use a brush or your finger to apply the lipstick around your eye.
- Apply your foundation as you normally would. I use a sponge.
- Continue to apply the rest of your make up! That’s it!
I liked the results, I don’t love the results but I think that has to do more with me not being a make-up guru. I wear makeup on the average 1 day a week, so I’m no expert.
I know the basics, and always had an issue with
- Should I put concealer on before or after the foundation?
- Is this the right shade for my skin tone?
- Can people see it? Did I blend it correctly?
So, this new technique was fun to learn and even try. I would do it again for sure. My husband couldn’t tell that I had lipstick under my eyes but he did say, “You have too much make-up on!” Uggh!!
So, after watching the video – would you try it?