OMG!! Summer is over already! Was is good for you like it was for me? Honestly, this was one of the best summers for me (I hope for my children too) because I actually spent the whole summer vacation with them.

I was able to plan our days or not plan our days. I truly think we got closer during this time as well. It was so many more hugs, smiles and “Thank you for doing this for me mommy!” than I had experienced in a long time. It really felt good BUT on the flip side, it feels good to drop them off in car pool on Monday morning too!
Momma is tired OKAY!!
I tried to do something blog related, work related, anything outside children related daily, but having school age children to entertain can be challenging especially if you don’t want them sitting in front of the TV all day.

5 Things That Change When School Starts:
So although my children had a relaxed atmosphere, sometimes good things do come to an end. I had to prepare my children slowly to the unavoidable fact that the following things would soon stop:
1. Bed Time: During the summer, my children still had a bed time – just later. I need my children to go to sleep. I need a couple of hours of silence before I head to bed. For school, I started them one week before school getting back on their regular school schedule. They tried to fuss, but when school officially started and that 6:15am alarm went off – they realized why its important to go to bed!
2. Electronics: Whether its my son’s 3DS, my daughters tablet phone or the Nintendo Wii – when school starts, all electronic play will cease during the week. The only exception is computer learning games.
3. Eating any & everything: It seems no matter when you feed them, they are always running back in the pantry or the refrigerator for something. “I’m hungry!” or “I want a snack!” If we were out, I would get but them something, “Pizza, ice cream, french fries, etc.” I let them eat freely but now that school is starting, I am going to plan better for when they come home. NO MORE EATING OUT! I will have a snack ready and hopefully dinner ready too. Hopefully.
4. TV Time: I think the best thing about summer for my children was TV everyday. Although they didn’t watch it all day, they did look forward to getting up and turning on Netflix every morning. Well, during the school year they don’t watch TV during the week. You should have seen their faces the Sunday before school started! They were trying to watch TV until the minute before they went to bed.

5. Activity after activity: I tried to keep them busy and make them smile with different adventures. I was their summer camp! Camp MAMA! Well, when school starts I wanted them to know that education is first and you all can pick one sport & one after school activity this Fall. We will not be running all across the city for 3 & 4 activities per child. So my son picked Flag football (sport) and my daughter picked Gymnastics. We are waiting to see what the school will offer for after school.
Every first Friday of the month, I along with my FAB FIVE BLOGGER CREW write about one topic from 5 different perspectives! Check out these other great post:
Kita (Kokoa Mag) Top 5 Non Sandwich School Lunches
MJ Top 5 (Fab Haute Momma) Top 5 tips for organizing and scheduling for the morning
LaShawn (Everyday Eyecandy) Top 5 Ideas for Back to School Photos
Mimi (LipGloss & Binky) Top 5 Back to School Teacher Gifts