Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Over the last two years I’ve seen self-care everywhere. Women are learning that taking care of ourselves is a priority. Basically we are putting our mask on first. 

However, for every woman that is getting the massage, a quiet moment of mediation or just a nap – there is a woman feeling guilty for just thinking about taking a moment for herself. 

Listen! There is NO guilt over here. 

Self-care is NOT selfish. Self-care is a must-do. Period. My title reads Self-care is taking me Dallas because I’m excitedly attending & speaking at the 2019 Motivated Mom Retreat in September. 

Last September this retreat was the perfect escape getaway. It allowed me to let go of ALL mom duties, see old friends and bond with other mothers from all over the country. 

3 Reasons Why Self-Care is Not Selfish

1. Are you really strong 24/7?

If you are, please share your secrets. The only way we can continue to care for our husbands and our children is if we make ourselves a top priority period. Therefore, we must refuel, so we can pour into our families from a full vessel. 

2. Live NOW, not when your children finish college.

Why are you putting a date on when you will decide to enjoy life? Do you know, if you wait until your children graduate high school or college to do the things you really want to do, you will be 12-18 years older? Do it now. Let them see you do things that make you happy. Let them see you dream NOW. 

3. It’s good for your overall health.

Self-care is more than a massage. Sometimes self care is going to our yearly check-ups. Self-care is paying attention to our bodies when we feel off. Health is wealth. Keeping our bodies in the best condition so we can be here and live a full life is the ultimate self care. 

How can you get started with self-care? Attending The Motivated Mom Retreat in Dallas will definitely be a great first stop. 

What is the Motivated Mom Retreat?

The Motivated Mom “What Motivates You” Retreat is two days full of fabulous fun, inspiration, relaxation, motivation, and pampering for Moms. Designed to celebrate the Extraordinary Mom in each of us, the entrepreneur mom, working mom, stay-at-home mom, or aspiring mom representing different socioeconomic backgrounds, education, and cultures will gather together to participate in this empowering experience.

The “What Motivates You” Retreat connects moms to the world of relaxation in a way that is rewarding and not guilt ridden. You will enjoy engaging and interactive workshops featuring some of your favorite speakers, authors and bloggers – around entertainment, education, wealth building, beauty, health & wellness, and SELF CARE!

During these two days, you will learn how to:

· Live a more intentional life
· Build better relationships with yourself, mate, kids and community
· Invest in self-care without guilt
· Budget and build wealth based on your family’s current income
· Identify your passion and life’s purpose
· Establishing healthy eating and exercise habits
· Be more engaged in your child’s education
· And much more!

self-care Motivated Mom retreat bernettastyle

During this retreat, I’m sharing my story in a session called Momories. Five women who were hand selected will share our story ranging from motherhood, purpose, our past and our present. I’ll be sharing how being diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes a few years back changed my life. 

Learn more & register about The Motivated Mom Retreat HERE

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