Thursday, March 13, 2025


It’s so much to tell them and I want to make sure it all sinks in. If I had the wisdom, I have now at 21 or even 15 – I’d be a different person.

I have two sons, they are 2 and 10. It’s almost like they are twins that are 8 years apart.

Although there is a major age gap, I am so happy to see the love and respect between these two brothers. I only pray that their relationship will grow and they will be best friends for life.

I wanted to participate with Letters to my Children with LaShawn of Everyday Eyecandy because it was important for me to leave something for my children while I’m in the mindset I have today. Visit next month for my letter to my daughter.

Dear Earl & Emory,

I love you.
You are my boys.
My suga’s!
My first and my last!
My beginning and my end.
My expectation and my surprise.
I love you.

To my big boy Earl, I want you to continue to be who you are. You are full of life, you pay attention to everything and ask questions. Never stoping watching what goes on around you. Never stop asking questions when something doesn’t seem right. Never be afraid to walk away from a situation where it doesn’t agree with your spirit.

You love to dance and always have! Your skills have grown and you still make me laugh with every new move you create. I pray that if God has carved out that path for you, that you will be open to great things happening .

Earl, I just want to you be strong and be a leader. I want you to be a good friend and have good friends. I want to you help others and but understand you can say “No” if you need/want to. I want you learn when some one is trying to take advantage of you and when they really care about your well being.

You are the first born and the example for your sister and brother. I know being the first born comes with a lot of responsibility, you are up to the task. Baby, continue to be a risk taker and run for your dreams. Mommy is right behind you.

Emory, you are momma’s baby! I’d kiss you 1000 times a day but you would push me away right around kiss #6! I was surprised when I found out we would be bringing home another bundle of joy, but oh what a joy you have been.

You are the sweetest and smartest cutie around these parts. You amaze me how you communicate, at 2 years old, what you want and don’t want. I love listening to you learn new words. I love how you come get me when you’ve done something new and you want to show me. I love how every morning when you see me you say, “Hi Mommy!” “Hi Daddy!” “Hi Earl!” “Hi Sister!”

We reply, “How are you Emory?”
You say, “Good!”
I reply, “Did you have a good night sleep Emory?”
and you give me the sweetest, “Yesshh!”

I am looking forward to having full conversations with you. My prayer is that you continue to grow with your siblings and that love and laughter will always reign supreme in our home.

I can see how much joy you bring around this house and we’re all so over protective of you! I see the love you have for your sister and brother. I watch how you learn from them, which means they have to do right in front of you. I see how you’d rather run with them then chill with me.

You’re growing up, but just know Mommy’s always here.

Two Sons One Theme: Mommy loves you!


Head over to read LaShawn’s letter to her little man on Everyday Eyecandy and complete the circle of other mothers!

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