Sunday, October 13, 2024



“I participated in a Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central forOshKosh B’Gosh. I received an OshKoshB’Gosh gift card to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”


If you are a parent of school age children, then August or September (depending on where you live) is dedicated to “Back to School”. No matter what you do for the summer; vacation, camps, relaxation, etc., you have to prepare your children to return to school.

I have 3 active children, so back to school shopping is always a treat! (I’m staying positive!) My two oldest are in elementary and the youngest is in daycare. They all wear uniforms which makes it easy on me during the week, so the weekends are where we like to get stylish with their outfits.

I love OshKosh B’gosh simply because they have sizes that cover my 2 year old to my 10 year old. I feel I can go in their store and get something for each child but still allow them to show case their individuality.


On my recent shopping trip, my two oldest wanted to shop with me. As we entered the store, I told my daughter to go look at what she likes. I wanted to give my oldest son some one-on-one time. He was immediately drawn to a look on a mannequin and tried to get the same outfit.


His exact words where, “Mom! I want to look cool and this is a cool look!” We were able to find him some slim fitting sweats – which happen to be a trend for young adults. It’s a step up from his gym uniform sweats indeed! These sweats can be worn with a plaid button shirt or hip t-shirt.


When it was my daughters turn, I asked her “What do you like?” Her response was, “Everything Mom! I want everything I see!”

After expressing my sorrows for not being able to fit everything in my car, we narrowed down a few must haves she wants. She wanted a long flowing dress, new shoes, and one outfit! Because everything was 40% off, plus I had a 20% coupon, I was able to what she wanted, plus a pair of skinny dark jeans, two cute t-shirts, and a flowered blouse.


Although my youngest son wasn’t there, what type of mommy would I be if I didn’t get him something? They had a great $5 t-shirt collection and thought this would be perfect for him!

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OshKosh B’Gosh also has the most adorable shoes for little boys. You could pair them in quite a few ways.

3 Things My Children Must Know …

A few days ago, we actually had sneak-a-peak with my children’s new teachers. While it’s good to meet their new teachers and read about their room rules including what they expect, we also as parents have to lay out our expectations for the upcoming school year.

1. Think Positive: You can do anything you put your mind too. Go into the school year believing that you will get good grades and do great things this school year. In addition to thinking positive, allow your attitude and actions to do the same thing.

2. Set Goals: Early in the school year, decide how you want your school year to be. What do you want to learn or have accomplished by the end of the school year? As parents, we can help you get there.

3. Don’t Give Up: There are many times where what you want is only ONE more try away. Continue to work hard towards your goals and if you need time to regroup, rework or try something different – do that. Just don’t give up!

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Each school year brings it’s own set of challenges: new teachers, new classmates, school projects, school activities and more. The last things as parents we want to worry about are outfits.

OshKosh B’Gosh’s selection of clothes offers something for all of my children, which makes them happy because they picked their own outfits. So on the weekend, they are knocking my door down asking me, “Mommy! Can I wear this today?”

OshKosh B’Gosh Gives Back

I love companies that give back because they genuinely care. OshKosh B’Gosh desires that all children have what they need this school year and have a partnership with K.I.D.S./ Fashion Delivers, Inc., and which allows customers to donate cash or a new pair of jeans. All denim donated from July 28 through September 16, 2015, will be delivered to local children in need through K.I.D.S./Fashion Delivers. For more information visit: 

OshKosh B'Gosh_BernettaStyle

And because I like to give back! I am sharing a 25% off coupon with you all! Enjoy! Find your local OshKosh store HERE.


How is the back to school shopping experience for you? Do you shop at OshKosh B’Gosh? What do you like about their clothes?

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