Friday, February 21, 2025



I still can’t believe I joined a gym. It’s something I never planned to do because I am so pro, “I can work out at home!”

4 reasons why I loved working out at home was because:

  • Save time (driving back and forth)
  • Save $$ (contracts are expensive and I don’t desire to be locked into to anything)
  • Youtube (there are so many workout videos for me to choose from already)
  • Self-motivated (I don’t need to workout around people to get the job done).

Well, why I still believe all those things to be true – I had a change of heart and a good conversation with a friend. The best point they made was that I will be able to do more for my body in less time if I go to a gym because of the equipment. I can only do so much with my dumb bell set!

The thing is, we have a full body workout system. In our basement, it was all set up and looked a like a real gym. Since the move, it’s still not set up and I can’t even find my dumb bells!

Turning 40 Soon . . .

I will be the big 4.0. at the beginning of the year & I’m celebrating this event with my best friend, Aseelah. Earlier this year, I worked out with a trainer from Jan – May, 3 days a week for 45 minutes.

I loved every minute of it.

My trainer motivated me beyond my own self motivation. He pushed me & educated me on different techniques, that I still do without him.

When I stopped working out with him, I worked out alone for a good month. Then the reality of the move stepped in and I stopped. Then, my bff started working out with her trainer 6 days a week.

We are 3 days apart and celebrating our 40th birthday together on a cruise to Mexico! And although we will be in bringing not only 2017 together, we are also turning 40 together.

We both want to look great and secretly (well it’s not a secret) better than the other – in terms of body.

We go hard in our competition & stay updating each other! Right now, she’s winning!

So, I joined a gym.

I joined YouFit. Let me tell you why:

  1. Distance. It’s only 4 miles from my home.
  2. Price. It’s $10 a month! You won’t get a gym membership any lower.
  3. No contract. That’s right, it’s $10 a month with NO CONTRACT. Cancel anytime.
  4. Upgrades. If you upgrade to $19.99 a month, you get a few great perks. One perk being unlimited guest, which means my husband can come workout with me. Also, you get access to their other gyms. Their other gym has some great classes I’ve love to take.
  5. Equipment & Classes. They have way more machines than I do & I can take classes like Zumba, Insanity, Kickboxing, etc.

So, today was my first day working out at YouFit and I enjoyed it. At first, I felt like a fish out of water – then I channelled my former trainer, Prince. I heard him saying, ”Come on, B! Come on!” And I would pick that weight up and do the perfect squat.

My plan also comes with a personal trainer, so I will be meeting with him on Friday. He will spend 1 hour with me going over body goals, etc. etc.

I will share a fun fact with you. There was a time when I wanted to teach Zumba! I wanted to be certified and teach classes. 

So, although I have always been anti-gym membership, people change. The deal was too good not to take advantage of & I missed working out. It was like that friend that you never see, but when you do – you pick up right where you left off.

New city, new experiences! Do you have a gym membership? Do you use it?

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