Tuesday, March 4, 2025

2024 Year End Review – What a year!

I promise many times I don’t remember all of the things I’ve done in a year until I look back at my pictures. Then, I’m always amazed at how God has blessed me. Just like many people this year, my 2024 was filled with some great HIGHS and a couple of lows. However, I’m here. I’m here on the very last day of 2024 writing this post, from Accra, Ghana (Africa). OMGGGG!! I’m starting 2025 in Africa. Look for a separate post on that soon, but in the meantime, here is a list of things I was able to accomplish in 2024:

Invited to the White House – because of my work with teens in Fostercare

Published 2 books

  1. My Yearbook of Blessings on Amazon
  2. Navigating your child’s Senior Year on Amazon

Got back in my influencer bag:


  1. Orlando
  2. Atlanta
  3. Cruise to Cozumel
  4. Dallas
  5. Chicago
  6. Ghana, Africa

Speaking Opportunities:

  • Hosted an ORIGIN movie discussion online
  • LFCC Women’s Ministry (shared my T1D story)
  • ASU – My alma mater


  • Took kids to African American museum in Washington DC
  • Flipped a property in 4 months
  • Met Larenz Tate, my celeb crush!
  • 30th class reunion
  • Husbands’ 50th Birthday party celebration
  • Start a book club with my friend
  • Met the Tampa Mayor

The Knighten Project:

  • Cleared out inventory for the year by giving away all of the suitcases
  • Walmart grant (2)
  • PwC Sponsored Suitcase event for The Knighten Project
  • Krispy Kreme collaboration


  • Usher
  • Kirk Franklin


  1. Our family dog passed away, Kash. This was hard. We had Kash for just about 3 years and it was my childrens’ first real pet. He was literally my youngest son best friend. And the loss was sudden.
  2. I was laid off from PwC. PwC announced last September they were laying off 1800 in October, the first layoff since 2009. My manager told me, our team was safe because of XYZ. He was wrong. 2 people on our team were let go, then the next week …. I got the email for a “Meeting” and basically that was it. My “position” was eliminated and that was that. I did get severance and insurance for an extra month. I’ve had mixed emotions about what happened, but in the end, God has still blessed me BIG time in the midst (another post for another day)

What’s next for 2025

I’ve really been looking forward to 2025 because something in my spirit tells me this is going to be a big year for me. I was going to share why I believe that, but I feel I will just wait as things progress now.

2025 Goals:

  1. Personal Nutrition Next Level: I already workout on a regular basis, it’s part of my life and I pray it always will be. However, although I feel I eat healthy 85% of the time, and do other things to stay in good health, I want to take this to the next level and learn more about what really works for best for my body. I want to learn to manage macros, portion control, eat less meat (than I already do), and just be more intentional about the nutrition part.
  2. Speaking engagements: I already have booked 3 speaking engagements for 2025! 2 paid, 1 pro bono. All of them are in January and are about goal planning/vision board. I’m very excited to be able to talk about something I have done for 10+ years and have seen the results. I initially had a goal of 5 speaking engagements for 2025. I might bump that up to 10.
  3. Finance/Investment Guru: So, I already trade futures, options etc. I plan to get even better at that too. However, I want to take my investment/finance knowledge to the next level. If I could do things over, I would have learned this in my 20s, but I’m here so I’m digging in deep this year. Especially under this new administration, I need to know how money is able to move even more.

I have other goals and plans for 2025, but these are the 3 big ones. Even with these, some things need to be broken down and done to get the optimal result.

2024 was a true blessing (the good and the bad). Lessons were learned, new friendships were formed and AHA moments truly happened. Let’s be grateful for where we’ve been and hopeful for where we are going. Happy New Year!

Oh, and as you can see, I’m back to writing on this blog!

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